Private and Commercial Law

The Private and Commercial Law research cluster is based in the School of Law, and includes leading academics with an international reputation for excellence in critical scholarship, teaching and public engagement. Our work focuses on all aspects of labour and business, ranging from employment and business regulation, corporate governance and commercial practice, to international trade law, competition law and dispute resolution, including commercial mediation and international arbitration.

Current research themes include employee and consumer protection, workplace health and safety, intellectual property and biotechnology, mortgage regulation, the regulation of precarious work, and the impact of technology, particularly artificial intelligence and robotics, on labour markets, business practices and financial regulation. Members of the cluster are also engaged in research concerning international and national efforts aimed at addressing the responsibilities of business with respect to human rights.

Recent Publications

Peter O’Loughlin

Peter O’Loughlin, ’The Regulation of Social Meaning in the Digital Platform Era’, in-progress

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Inverted Agency Problems in the Digital Platform Era’, in-progress

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Economic Analysis Within Law’, in-progress

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Default Power in Global Antitrust Enforcement’ (2024) European Competition Law Review

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Behavioural Market Failures in Antitrust – Towards “Workable” Cognitive Foreclosure’ (2024) University of Louisville Law Review 255

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘The Limits of Behavioural Antitrust’ (2023) 52 University of Baltimore Law Review 201

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Cognitive Foreclosure’ (2022) 38 Georgia State University Law Review 1097

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Public-Private Antitrust Enforcement Conflicts – Assessing Criminalization as a Solution’ (2017) 23(3) Columbia Journal of European Law 683

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘The Criminal Enforcement of Antitrust Law – The Importance of Building an Enforcement Culture and How to Create it’ (2016) 5(1) UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 116

Iris Chiu, Anna Donovan, Martin Petrin, and Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Towards an Adaptive Economic Model for Microstates – The Importance of Company Law Reform in International Regulatory Competition’ (2016) 37(9) The Company Lawyer 267

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Introduction to Competition Law’ in Despoina Mantzari (ed), Competition Law of the European Union (2nded, LexisNexis 2016) chapter 1

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Analysis of Article 101 TFEU’ in Despoina Mantzari (ed), Competition Law of the European Union (2nd ed, LexisNexis 2016) chapter 2 (updated 2023), update forthcoming 2025

Peter O’Loughlin, ‘Analysis of Article 102 TFEU’ in Despoina Mantzari (ed), Competition Law of the European Union (2nd ed, LexisNexis 2018) chapter 3 (updated 2022), update forthcoming 2025

Rónán Kennedy

‘When Is a Plan Not a Plan? : The Supreme Court Decision in “Climate Case Ireland”’ (2020) 27(2) Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal 60–72 (with Maeve O’Rourke and Cassie Roddy- Mullineaux) 

‘De-camouflaging Chameleons: Requiring Transparency for Consumer Protection in the Internet of Things’ (2019) 10(1) European Journal of Law and Technology (27 pages) 

‘Regulating Intersectional Activity: Privacy and Energy Efficiency, Laws and Technology’ (2017) 31(3) In- ternational Review of Law, Computers and Technology 340–369 (with Abbe Brown) 

Algorithms, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Irish Legal Services Market’ (58 pages), for Oireach- tas Library and Research Service, February 2021, funded by Science Foundation Ireland Public Service Fellowship 

Information and Communications Technology Law in Ireland (Clarus Press 2017, 292 pages) (with Maria Helen Murphy), shortlisted for the Dublin Solicitors’ Bar Association Law Book of the Year 2018

Martin Hogg

‘Field of application of contractual and tortious liability’, in H Koziol and E Karner (eds), Tortious and Contractual Liability: Chinese and European Perspectives (Jan Sramek, 2021), pp157–182.

'Implied Contractual Terms and Repudiation: PLZ Soccer Ltd v STV Central Ltd', 2023 Edinburgh Law Review 196-202 (co-authored with L Macgregor)

'Sobhy v Chief Appeals Officer', 2023 Irish Supreme Court Review, 205-218

B Askeland, E Bargelli, M Hogg, B Winiger (eds), Digest of European Tort Law, Volume IV: Limits of Liability (Springer, forthcoming 2024)

Maureen O'Sullivan

Maureen O’Sullivan, Rose Ohiama Ugbe, Mabel Izzi, Emuobo Emudainohwo and Uche Jack-Osimiri , “Annulment of Discriminatory Custom and its impact on Matrilineal and Patrilineal Societies/People”, African Journal of International and Comparative Law 32.2 (2024): 235–266.

Ajichi Patrick Jack-Osimiri, Rose Ohiama Ugbe, Anugbum Onuoha, Maureen O’Sullivan & Prof. Uche Jack-Osimiri, “Enforcement of Informal Sector Taxation to Expand Revenue Base in Nigeria: A Review”, Volume 9, Commonwealth Law Review Journal, 656-707, Published on 08/12/2023.