Equality, Rights and Social Inclusion

This cluster includes leading academics conducting research on the broad topic of equality, rights and social inclusion. The research addresses equality and discrimination across the grounds covered by equality legislation, with a particular focus on Disability and Gender. Equality is broadly conceived to focus in particular on inclusion and the capacity of people to participate in society.
Current research interests of the members include disability justice, employment equality, inclusive education, psychosocial disability, EU disability and equality strategies, legal capacity and the use of the law in grassroots campaigns for social change.



Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Right to Legal Personhood of Marginalised Groups (Oxford University Press Forthcoming)

Gauthier de Beco, Shivaun Quinlivan and Janet E Lord (Eds), The Right to Inclusive Education in International Human Rights Law, (Cambridge University Press 2019)

Eilionóir Flynn, Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Clíona de Bhailís and Maria Laura Serra (Eds) Global Perspectives on Legal Capacity Reform: Our Voices, Our Stories (Routledge: 2018)

Charles O’Mahony and Gerard Quinn (Eds) Disability Law and Policy: An Analysis of the UN Convention, (Clarus Press 2017).

Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Restoring voice to people with cognitive disabilities, (Cambridge University Press 2017)

Peter Blanck, Eilionóir Flynn, (eds), Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights (Routledge: 2016).

Eilionóir Flynn, Disabled Justice? Access to Justice and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Ashgate: 2015).



Charles O’Mahony, “Disability, Mental Health & International Human Rights Law: A Global Health Perspective” in Lieketseng Ned et al (Eds)Handbook on Disability and Global Health, (Routledge UK).


Charles O’Mahony, “Implementation of Article 12 of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland”, in Maciej Domański and Boguslaw Lackoroński (Eds) in Models of implemenation of Article 12 of the CRPD (Routledge UK)

Charles O’Mahony and Aisling De Paor “Implementation of Article 12 of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in Ireland, in Maciej Domański and Boguslaw Lackoroński (Eds) in Models of implemenation of Article 12 of the CRPD (Routledge UK)


Eilionóir Flynn, “The (Contested) Role of the Academy in Activist Movements for Legal Capacity Reform: A Personal Reflection.” In Supporting Legal Capacity in Socio-Legal Context, (Bloomsbury London).

Eoin Daly, Shivaun Quinlivan 'Irlande : un changement radical mais toujours un sujet de contestation' In: L’interruption de grossesse en droit comparé Entre cultures et universalisme. 337-357 Belgium: Larcier (2022)



Eilionóir Flynn, "The Long Road to Ratification: Ireland and the CRPD." In Emily Julia Kakoullis, Kelley Johnson, (Eds)  Recognising Human Rights in Different Cultural Contexts: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), (Springer Singapore).

Charles O’Mahony and Shivaun Quinlivan, “The EU Disability Strategy and the Future of EU Disability Policy’ in Delia Ferri and Andrea Broderick (eds), Research Handbook on EU Disability Law, Edward Elgar (2020)

Charles O’Mahony, and Shivaun Quinlivan, “The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities a Tool to Drive Social Policy Reform” in Gerard McCann and Féilim Ó hAdhmaill (Eds) International human rights, social policy and global welfare: Critical Perspectives, Policy Press (2020).


Shivaun Quinlivan, “Education and the Revised European Social Charter” in Gauthier De Beco, Janet Lord and Shivaun Quinlivan, (Eds), The Right to Inclusive Education in International Human Rights Law, Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Shivaun Quinlivan, “Reasonable Accommodation: an Integral Part of the Right to Education for Persons with Disabilities” Gauthier De Beco, Janet Lord and Shivaun Quinlivan, (Eds), The Right to Inclusive Education in International Human Rights Law, Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Gauthier De Beco, Shivaun Quinlivan, and Janet E. Lord “Introduction to Inclusive Education” in Gauthier De Beco, Shivaun Quinlivan and Janet E. Lord, (Eds), The Right to Inclusive Education in International Human Rights Law, Cambridge University Press, 2019.


Eilionóir Flynn, ‘Article 13 – Access to Justice’ in Bantekas, I. et al (eds) United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Commentary (Oxford University Press).

Flynn, E. ‘Legal Capacity: Dementia and Human Rights’ in S. Cahill (ed) Dementia Policy and Practice: A Human Rights Perspective (Policy Press).


Eilionóir Flynn and Sinead Ring., ‘People (DPP) v C’ in Mairead Enright, Aoife O’Donoghue and Julie McCandless, Irish Feminist Judgments (Hart).

Claire Bruton and Shivaun Quinlivan “Defining Disability in the Employment Context: Perspectives from the CRPD & European Union Anti-Discrimination Law” The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Comparative, Regional and Thematic Perspectives, (Ed) O’Mahony, C., and Quinn, G., Clarus Press, 2017

Andrea Broderick and Shivaun Quinlivan “The Right to Education: Article 24 of the CRPD” The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Comparative, Regional and Thematic Perspectives, C O’Mahony, C., and Quinn, G., Clarus Press, 2017



Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Yvette Maker, Anita Deutschmann, Siane Richardson “Criminalisation of Sex with Disabled People with Cognitive Impairments in Commonwealth Countries” The Interantional Journal of Disability and Social Justice, Vol. 3 Issue 2 p4-25

Lucy-Ann Buckley, Shivaun Quinlivan (2023) 'Inclusive Learning in Ireland: a Case Study'. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 1-23


Shivaun Quinlivan (2022) 'TD v. Minister for Education: A Chilling Effect on Would-be Litigants?'. Judicial Studies Institute Journal, 47-55

Dinali Wijeratne, Denis Dennehy, Shivaun Quinlivan, Lucy-Ann Buckley, Cameron Keighron, Sharon Flynn (2022) 'Learning Without Limits: Identifying the Barriers and Enablers to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education'. Journal Of Information Systems Education, 33 (Special Issue) 61-74


Anna Arstein-Kerslake “Gendered Denials: Law, Policy and Practice” Legal Capacity & Gender: Realising the Human Right to Legal Personhood and Agency of Women, Disabled Women, and Gender Minorities, (2021) p. 83-116

Anna Arstein Kerslake, “Personhood: Perspectives from critical feminist, disability and queer studies,” Legal Capacity & Gender: Realising the Human Right to Legal Personhood and Agency of Women, Disabled Women, and Gender Minorities, (2021) p. 29-65

Erin O’Donnell, Anna Arstein-Kerslake, “Recognising personhood: the evolving relationship between the legal person and the state” Griffith Law Review 30, no. 3 (2021), 339-347.

Eilionóir Flynn, "Law, language and personhood: disrupting definitions of legal capacity." Griffith Law Review 30, no. 3 (2021): 374-394.

Eilionóir Flynn, Clíona de Bhailís, and Maria Laura Serra, "Lived experience influencing law reform: insights from a collaborative research project." Qualitative Research 21, no. 2 (2021): 234-250.

Stefan Hopf, Kieran Walsh, Eilionóir Flynn, & Nena Georgantzi, “The relationship between ageism and well-being as mediated through COVID-19-related experiences and discourses” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2021) 18(19), 10490.

Eilionóir Flynn, “The Rights of Older Persons with Disabilities in the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: A Critical Analysis” (2021) African. Disability Rights Yearbook9, 275.

Shivaun Quinlivan and Lucy-Ann Buckley, (2021) ‘Reasonable accommodation in Irish constitutional law: two steps forward and one step back – or simply out of step?’ Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 72(1) 60

Lucy-Ann Buckley and Shivaun Quinlivan (2021) ‘Reasonable accommodation in Irish equality law: an incomplete transformation’ Legal Studies, 41 (1) 19


Monica Pinilla-Roncancio, Maria Goméz-Castillo, & Eilionóir Flynn, “Data and human rights for persons with disabilities: the case of deprivation of liberty.” The International Journal of Human Rights, (2020) 24(6), 828-849.

Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Yvette Maker, Eilionóir Flynn, Olympia Ward, Ruby Bell, and Theresia Degener, "Introducing a human rights-based disability research methodology." Human Rights Law Review 20, no. 3 (2020): 412-432.


Anna Arstein-Kerslake “Gendered denials: Vulnerability created by barriers to legal capacity for women and disabled women” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, vol 66, p 101501

Eilionóir Flynn,  “The rejection of capacity assessments in favor of respect for will and preferences: the radical promise of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.” (2019) World Psychiatry18(1), 50.

Shivaun Quinlivan and Charles O'Mahony (2019) 'The Irish Supreme Court judgment in Nano Nagle School v Marie Daly: a saga of litigation'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 70 (4):505-510.



Shivaun Quinlivan, ‘Disrupting the Status Quo? Discrimination in Academic Promotions’, Irish Employment Law Journal, 14(3), 2017.

Inclusive Learning in the College of Business, Public Policy and Law: A partnership model for progressing inclusion and belonging in higher education.

By Lucy-Ann Buckley* and Shivaun Quinlivan* with Dinali Wijeratne
(*equal co-authors)

The Inclusive Learning project arose out of the recognition that our student body is becoming increasingly diverse and that higher education institutions need to respond to that diversity, to listen to the student experience, and to act to ensure that all students experience a truly inclusive learning environment and therefore a sense of belonging.  This project has explored what the University of Galway can do to create such an environment and has particularly focused on identifying the barriers to learning experienced by different student groups and embedding the principles of Universal Design for Learning. 

Click here to read the report

Inclusive Learning in the College of Business, Public Policy and Law: A partnership model for progressing inclusion and belonging in higher education.

Click here to read the report