Dr. Mulgrew is appointed to the Board of Directors of leading national NGO - Irish Penal Reform Trust

Sep 24 2024 Posted: 12:25 IST

Dr. Mulgrew was invited by the Executive Director Saoirse Brady to join the Board of Directors of Irish Penal Reform Trust and was co-opted on 27 July 2024.

Her election to the Board of Directors was officially confirmed following a vote at the Annual General Meeting in Dublin on 18 September 2024.

IPRT, an independent charity, was founded in 1994 by a group of citizens concerned about the abuses of human rights in Irish prisons.

The IPRT is Ireland's leading non-governmental organisation campaigning for rights in the penal system and the progressive reform of Irish penal policy. It has three priority areas of work:

  • a national penal policy which is just, humane, evidence-led, and uses prison as a last resort 
  • a national penal system which protects and promotes human rights and strives to achieve international best practice in its regimes, daily practices and overall culture 
  • IPRT as a sustainable, well-resourced, respected and collaborative stakeholder in penal policy in Ireland

IPRT is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors with expertise in a range of areas relevant to penal reform. The Board focuses on the broader strategic goals of the organisation.  



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