Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at University of Galway School of Law

The School of Law is a diverse and welcoming place, where difference is celebrated. Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) remain at the very core of our ethos as a School. Colleagues in the School are global leaders in questions of rights, equality, disability and anti-discrimination. We are home to both the Irish Centre for Human Rights and the Centre for Disability Law and Policy, and have a research cluster which works specifically on questions of equality and inclusion. This ethos carries through to our teaching, where questions of social, political and economic justice come to the fore in undergraduate and postgraduate courses and modules.  

We have a Deputy Head of School with responsibility for EDI – currently Illan rua Wall – who chairs the EDI committee and sits on the executive committee. The role of EDI lead is to ensure EDI issues and concerns are considered at all levels of School governance. If you would like to speak in confidence to them, please contact them directly by email, or speak with any member of the EDI Committee (below). 

Athena Swan

We are very proud to have been awarded an Athena Swan Bronze award in 2023, under the guidance of Prof. Anna Arstein-Kerslake and the self-assessment team. This recognises the School’s commitment to advancing gender equality for staff and students. As Advance HE explain: “The objective of the Athena Swan Ireland 2021 charter framework is to support higher education institutions, academic departments, and professional units in impactful and sustainable gender equality work and to build capacity for evidence-based equality work across the equality grounds enshrined in Irish legislation.” The School is currently working towards reaccreditation in 2027. 

EDI Projects

EDI Projects

Explore our EDI projects, including events and reports.


View University of Galway School of Law's EDI projects

Athena Swan Bronze Award

Athena Swan Bronze Award